I was talking with a fellow yoga participant this week who is new to yoga and she was expressing how much she is enjoying her yoga experience. We were initially having a light-hearted conversation, further examining the benefits of yoga when she then shared with me that her brother had passed away the week before. She became a little teary-eyed as we continued to talk and I shared with her my belief that yoga is a tool that we can use to help heal. Have you ever experienced a physical or emotional release in class? It could of been something as little as giggling, passing gas, or dizziness... or it may of been something more extreme. I have found myself crying at the end of a class, completely present in the moment and appreciative of my opportunity to be who I needed to be. And I feel this is healthy. We learn who we are, what we need, and how to be content with what we discover. It's nice to have this safe space we can come to, united with other's energy and support, and learn to listen. With time, we begin to understand the "why's" of the world.
Namaste, Emily
Summer Sparkler!
Wow! It's been a while since I've visited Blog-Landia. Are you still out
there my friends?? Now I'm a mom times two!! Can you believe that? Life
really doe...
7 years ago