The Today show had a piece this morning debunking all of those "immunity boosting" supplements out there like Airborne. These products all say they can help you get through the winter cold season without getting sick, but the experts on the program agree that these products do little to actually boost your immunity to sickness.
So what does work? Surprise, surprise, our good old friend exercise! The experts all agree, exercise helps stimulate your immune system, while also fighting the effects of stress and depression that tend to settle in after the holidays. Don't believe me? Read for yourself:
So put away the pie, get off the couch, and get feeling healthy! -em
Summer Sparkler!
Wow! It's been a while since I've visited Blog-Landia. Are you still out
there my friends?? Now I'm a mom times two!! Can you believe that? Life
really doe...
7 years ago
Emily, That's a great point! I'm going to start exercising right now!